Background: The career of Eddie Crossbones began when he was just a child, an orphan on the harsh streets of 19th Century New York. He ran with the toughest of Irish American gangs and worked the docks as his lust for freedom and adventure led him to a life of piracy. He became Captain Crossbones, the most feared cutthroat on the seven seas! He was unstoppable until meeting his ultimate weakness: he fell in love. Alas, before he could forsake his career of buccaneering and run away with the beautiful Lady Catalina, he was captured by the sinister Sea Witch. Horrifically, she tortured him to reveal the location of the Wizard’s Cookbook he had plundered and turned Eddie into a living skeleton! Since then he has been cursed to roam the world as a skinless crusader in an attempt to atone for his past sins!
Skills & abilities: Eddie Crossbones is literally a living skeleton. He is the most frightening “man” alive. His glowing red eyes have been known to drive men mad, and those of a criminal and cowardly mindset are subject to the influence of his mystical bone-pointing, which triggers heart failure… and worse. Beyond his ability to talk to spiders, Eddie’s favorite tools are his .45 caliber pistols.
Special appearances in literature: Monster Zipper (2008), Agents of Karma (2010), and in the graphic novel Secret Society Origins No. 1 (2015) by Bradley Mason Hamlin & Mort Todd.
Background: The career of Eddie Crossbones began when he was just a child, an orphan on the harsh streets of 19th Century New York. He ran with the toughest of Irish American gangs and worked the docks as his lust for freedom and adventure led him to a life of piracy. He became Captain Crossbones, the most feared cutthroat on the seven seas! He was unstoppable until meeting his ultimate weakness: he fell in love. Alas, before he could forsake his career of buccaneering and run away with the beautiful Lady Catalina, he was captured by the sinister Sea Witch. Horrifically, she tortured him to reveal the location of the Wizard’s Cookbook he had plundered and turned Eddie into a living skeleton! Since then he has been cursed to roam the world as a skinless crusader in an attempt to atone for his past sins!
Skills & abilities: Eddie Crossbones is literally a living skeleton. He is the most frightening “man” alive. His glowing red eyes have been known to drive men mad, and those of a criminal and cowardly mindset are subject to the influence of his mystical bone-pointing, which triggers heart failure… and worse. Beyond his ability to talk to spiders, Eddie’s favorite tools are his .45 caliber pistols.
Special appearances in literature: Monster Zipper (2008), Agents of Karma (2010), and in the graphic novel Secret Society Origins No. 1 (2015) by Bradley Mason Hamlin & Mort Todd.